Saturday, July 6, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: It's the New Moon in Cancer

 Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: It's the Moon in Cancer. Where it's a good time to check in with how you feel, your feelings, and what feels comfortable. 

Cancer, Happy Solar Return! it's a fantastic time to put all your efforts into yourself or try to, It's all about you now! 

Leo, it's time to do things differently. Handle your career and profession like a profession, not a family business or partnership

Virgo, you want to get married or have an all-encompassing commitment, but you need to be careful about it! 

Libra, step up to the plate and be there for others and family members, helping out where you're needed. You are needed! 

Scorpio, consider the people you left behind, the people you lashed out at, and the people you desperately wanted in your life. 

Sagittarius, you can meet the ideal lover who has everything you want, and then also be that lover who has everything someone else wants. 

Capricorn, you're willing to take chances and do things differently, perhaps move far away, but you're just too responsible for that! 

Aquarius, a new romance or flirtation could really upset your life so you need to think things through carefully

Pisces, it's a good time to consider saving more money and not spend frivolously. be fair with money and don't use anyone 

Aries, it's not easy for you to surrender and give in and, heaven forbid, get along with someone you hate. But how far has not got along gotten you? 

Taurus, it's best to ask for help, and when you can't physically do something, get help and follow other good advice.

Gemini, push through and get your finances in order. Your popularity is increasing and hard work gets you to the top. 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

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