Friday, July 5, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: It's the New Moon in Cancer (at Sunset)

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: It's the New Moon in Cancer (at Sunset) that makes it all about relationships and who you are attached to. Juno opposes Saturn, which brings your relationship fears, making you wonder if your partner is being strategic or using you. 

The ruler of today is Venus the planet of love, the wife, and money. 

Cancer, Happy Solar Return! The New Moon is the icing on the cake. Go back to your old hobbies, skills and things you got good at in the past. 

Leo, trash talking anyone or trying to turn people against someone might back fire in the future. 

Virgo, everyone needs you to be the strong one not the one who can't handle a crisis. 

Libra, you opt to get out of Dodge and handle relationship issues later on when things cool down

Scorpio, in love or in friendship it's all about who will dump who first or who will reject the other first. 

Sagittarius, let others help you and leave them to do things as they see fit. Enjoy energetic people and move around, exercise and have fun. 

Capricorn, avoid arguments by letting others go through their own process, disappointments and hardships.

Aquarius, you find someone in a familar position as you and together you will figure out how to be together 

Pisces, you can be disappointed if you were told one thing and another things is true. 

Aries, a softer kinder approach works when you don't make anyone choose between you and another

Taurus, disappintments make you emotional and you relaize you'll have to wait longer to make a big purchase. That coud be a blessing. 

Gemini, yu'll get a handle on your spending and try togain more contol over your home and property matters. 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

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