Sunday, July 18, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall)

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall). People tend to be thinned-skinned and want to be left alone. Oh, sure there's your usual jealousy and sour grapes so find yourself a Happy Sag or generous Leo to boost your spirits.   Today favors #Scorpio to have their day all planned out so they can avoid social pleasantries 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope on my website!  

#Sagittarius wears a poker face today but heaven only knows what they have planned for you but it's coming 

#Capricorn opportunities to get back on track and gain something for free or get a windfall come

#Aquarius you could feel stuck like you have to stay put, not veer to the left or to the right 

#Pisces go back to the drawing board, re-learn, re-view, and teach yourself some more stuff

#Aries you want to be home but career or professional opportunities demand your time too 

#Taurus time spent with kind like-minded people is best, visit others and avoid rude or negative types

#Gemini sometimes it's just easier if you pick up the tab but that's also what you hate the most

#Cancer Happy B-Day you decide who you spend your time with and who doesn't matter at all to you

#Leo there's no urgency today so don't let anyone create drama or a sense of urgency around you

#Virgo you can deal some powerful wordy blows to others who puff themselves up to be someone they are not

#Libra you call someone out who dumps their baggage on you and assumes things about you 

Don't forget there's an extended Daily Horoscope on my website! 


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