Monday, July 19, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall)

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall). it's as good a time as any to look inward and face your inner fire-breathing Dragon! Today favors #Scorpio to have their day all planned out so they can avoid social pleasantries 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope on my website!  

#Sagittarius the Scorpio Moon makes you a fighter and later today there' nothing you can't handle

#Capricorn you're not one of a million, you're one in a million, and don't forget it or be told differently

#Aquarius your ruler has you stretching yourself and your income to live large in exclusive digs 

#Pisces explore your options and figure things out with the help of the insightful Moon rising in your life

#Aries put your feelings and what you want aside as everyone needs you at home but avoid overspending

#Taurus as much as it pinches and hurts you have to be responsible and do the right thing, Aww Crap! 

#Gemini is it even worth having any enemies or ex-friends or lovers you hate for years, probably not 

#Cancer Be both Goody two shoes and naughty as you need to be, this keeps everyone on their toes around you 

#Leo keep yourself busy and you'll never notice that you're alone or have any problems, things will work themselves out 

#Virgo no one likes a know it all Virgo, but in the end, you could be right so continue 

#Libra you're in the process of discipline yourself and your spending. You have bigger things to purchase 

Don't forget there's an extended Daily Horoscope on my website! 


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