Saturday, July 17, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall)

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall) this afternoon. There's an intensity to the day and you won't allow anyone to get away with anything without nagging them or giving them the 3rd degree.  Today favors #Scorpio to take charge, find workable solutions, but maintain their independence 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope on my website!  

#Sagittarius I wouldn't advise anyone to tangle with Sag when the Moon is in Scorpio you'll do things no one sees coming

#Capricorn there is no giving up for goats, let others know where they stand with you and what you expect 

#Aquarius things that had you stuck in the mud are released you're getting somewhere, don't count on others when decision making

#Pisces you're doing more on your own because well you have to you can't just be bored, can you? 

#Aries things have to be shared and fairer where finances are concerned Did you forget that part?

#Taurus on the wild roller coaster of Uranus you can't always see where things are going but today you might

#Gemini you can't help being just a bit assertive Ok put your foot down and get your way 

#Cancer It's your Solar Return and you're about to make M-ajor changes with the way relationships go

#Leo you bring someone in or out to lunch to once again make sure he or she is loyal and on Team Leo 

#Virgo if you're feeling out of sorts it's because things are coming to an end Change is ahead

#Libra you take an idea you have and put it into action, maybe it's an idea about giving someone silent treatment

Don't forget there's an extended Daily Horoscope on my website! 


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