Friday, July 16, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra. We forget how special the sign of Libra is.  It is the hinge to the upper 6 houses, so of course, there should be a change. You should expect and embrace changes.  I also love the Sun in Cancer now too, because it's where you need to chip away things from your life, get rid of emotional clutter, and physically like a fine sculptor. Sculpt your life, it's by taking away things that bother you that the real art or beauty of your life comes through. The Moon favors #Libra a cardinal sign who takes charge and either gets involved 100% or ducks and dives from any real involvement with others.  

#Scorpio the Moon is a reminder to you that you need people, friends, and someone special

#Sagittarius, while there are some things financially out of your control other things, are under your control

#Capricorn don't tell anyone what you're really thinking or planning that's for you to know

#Aquarius hurry up, get on this fast track to the top so you don't have any more regrets 

#Pisces Don't build your life around anyone, set a new routine, get out of the house or office more 

 #Aries summer flirtations can cause certain trouble if you're not careful, be nice but not so nice it's suspicious 

#Taurus Everyone says "you have so much potential" it's hard to live up to those high opinions  

#Gemini you know what's important and who to nag to get what you want and today you do, get what you want!  

 #Cancer the Sun favors You! Hold your own against all the people you come in contact with, some good some not so good

#Leo No no, no, allow others to disagree with you and maybe even take their advice don't just say F-You

#Virgo if you've abandoned your love don't be surprised when he or she is off having a good time it shouldn't surprise you but it might.  

For a longer version of your daily horoscopes, go to 

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