Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in visionary #Aquarius, it's here you can envision what your future will look like and make it happen #EnergyFollowsThought The Moon in Aquarius, favors Aquarius to get their way and go their own way today
#Pisces also gets over their angst with Mars leading them on
#Aries today is a day of u-turns and forgetfulness is you're not careful
#Taurus expect the best and do your best #SaturnsRules
#Gemini your mind and wit are sharper than ever, you're ready for change
#Cancer get enough sleep and imagine greatness
#Leo you can fear stepping on the wrong toes or having to reciprocate a favor
#Virgo your perfectionism may be out of control today
#Libra work through past hurts to get ahead in romance
#Scorpio you secretly wish for a family reunion or to own a magnificent property
#Sagittarius ups and downs, highs and lows mean one things You're not busy enough
#Capricorn no inhibitions anymore you're free to express yourself

Extended Horoscope Need More Go to

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