Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon changes signs from Capricorn to Aquarius and it's #Capricorn and #Aquarius who get their way favorably today.  With money and wealth accumulation still an issue both Sun signs have very different approaches to gain today.  Pay attention!  Mars changes signs and Venus the planet of love goes retrograde tonight. That can only mean one things roles between men and women are changing!  Let the games begin! 
#Capricorn is your day and you may be saying #Blessed
#Aquarius gets dodgy and loves every minute or it
#Pisces the epiphanies just keep coming #ThingsAreNeverAsTheySeem
#Aries says Yes and means No while thinking Bah Hum Bug 
#Taurus breakout the champagne big things are about to go down
#Gemini a resounding "Who the FU*^K cares let's get on with things" is heard from your mouth Oh MY
#Cancer is feisty too and ready to take on the big boys #NotTakingItAnymore
#Leo let the vulgarities role but you're going to feel bad if you hurt someone's feelings
#Virgo it's going to be the #SummerOfLove #Telenovela style 
#Libra acts like they don't care, but might have a secret love affair they're hiding
#Scorpio you're in your head way too much and have to know when to throw in the towel, Next please
#Sagittarius you're not showing your hand or giving in first is that a mistake?

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