Monday, May 11, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Capricorn maker and enforcer of the rules, status quo, power structures in your life, big business and government. 
The Moon in Capricorn favors #Capricorn who knows how to weave in and out of road blocks, walls and the powers that be.  Get ready for a week of change! 
#Aquarius is also familiar with the ancient ways of Father Time and knows when to act and when to hold still
#Pisces realizes things are not as they seem and this happens with lightening fast speed #UnexpectedFortune
#Aries when confused look to the good examples you have in your life and follow or mirror them 
#Taurus It's your time of the year, and even in tumultuous times you gain #Moneymakingideas
#Gemini release your fears, you got this, your ruler visits your #Sunsign and you start fresh later today
#Cancer slow down, you don't have to let the world know what you're doing and how unfairly you think you're being treated  sshhh
#Leo you contemplate all your conflicts and maybe realize some were not worth the time
#Virgo you need motivation to keep up with your schedule and continue to do it all
#Libra Good fortune shines on you as the trickster #Mercury pus you in the right place at the right time
#Scorpio you might desperately want to fall in love or to have the time you spend thinking of someone, reflected back to you
#Sagittarius don't procrastinate be a doer, you'll gain more than you know as the stars align for a gift or windfall

Need More Information about your day? Go to

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