Sunday, May 10, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Capricorn where good management, hard work and persistence being success and build character.
The Moon in Capricorn favors the Earth signs the most, bring growth #Scorpio and #Pisces and opposition to #Cancer
It's #Capricorn's day to get their way and make things happen
#Aquarius relaxes and finds their little corner of the world to call home
#Pisces can't believe where Neptune is taking them it's way beyond their own imagination
#Aries isn't at their best held captive at home but makes important worldly strides anyways
#Taurus things can move fast and you feel like your going places, don't know where but you're going places
#Gemini starts to feel confident in their accomplishments and place in this world you could be put on a pedestal
#Cancer doesn't like to feel that others are getting the edge over them and the ridding of unnecessary people goes on
#Leo today you're more patient with others knowing that if you get mad it's not going to help anything
#Virgo you're ready to take things slow in romantic matters 
#Libra is brushing up on their domestic skills and wouldn't mind a #Cookoff
#Scorpio you're very touchy feely and it might cost you money
#Sagittarius the planets align in your money zone and you're more than ready to get back to work Missing co-workers
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