Saturday, May 9, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Sagittarius and this favor the fire signs.  make no bones about it It's #Sagittarius who shines and takes change.  Their contagious energy spreads through everyone.  
#Capricorn you may be busy tiding up things and getting things just the way you like them #ANeverEndingJob
#Aquarius you probably have ot talk yourself down today and that's a good exercise in patience
#Pisces you're in charge of your own destiny but where that takes you is anyone's guess
#Aries avoid negative feelings, just keep going in the right direction. Home and property issues resurface
#Taurus your #SolarReturns exciting and opens doors for you but which door is the right one
#Gemini sometimes you feel confident and unstoppable and sometimes you're ready to retire from the rat race
#Cancer relationships are at issue and bring out the best or worst in you depending on the day
#Leo it might be love at first sight or text message but be careful
#Virgo you're ready to settle down or accept your significant others "AsIs"
#Libra you start to see the world differently and realize it's time to live the life you want in a #GrassIsGreener kind of way
#Scorpio you might have forgotten some things you said but someone else has not, be careful when reacing out

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