Saturday, April 4, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Leo ruled by the Sun suggests Get more Sunshine!  Later the Moon enters Virgo and the news isn't good suggesting everyone will have to take things even more seriously!  It's #Leo who shines but shouldn't ignore not feeling 100%, then it's #Virgo's time to stand out, care for and worry about others
#Libra secretly grapples with relationships issues but it looks like they sweep things under the carpet and move on
#Scorpio It's introspection time, time to find a hobby and to keep yourself happy, since no one else can
#Sagittarius people all of a sudden what to know what you're thinking about, and want you to share your ideas Should you?
#Capricorn flying solo has become your New Normal dig out your old unfinished projects and get to work
#Aquarius relationships are under pressure and may stretch your patience
#Pisces its all about mind blowing experiences, things are never as they seem and you are smarter than you think
#Aries necessity is the mother of invention, where are your friends, and helpful people when you need them?
#Taurus you adapt to your new normal and see this time as a time to pursue your own interests not another's
#Gemini a break in your daily grind doesn't target you but makes you aware of the fact that we're all in this together #NotAlone
#Cancer you may have to buck the trend or what someone Tells you to do, and take charge. 

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