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Showing posts with label #Sexstrology #Sextrology #Horoscopes #DailyHoroscopes #Astrology #trending #Zodiacfacts @re_post. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! It's the Full Pink Moon in Libra a Super Moon.  The Full Moon in Libra favors Libra to be feisty and get their way as they try to purge their lives of bad habits, #Scorpio should back it up and lay low if possible
#Sagittarius is feeling lost without your love and has to get their relationships back on track
#Capricorn decides if they are going to stop and take a vacation or keep working
#Aquarius gets serious and unplugs, one wrong word and they're out the door 
#Pisces experiences a dream or miracle and realizes they're not alone in this world
#Aries is in charge and wants to do it all by themselves, OK don't complain then!
#Taurus keep yourself busy and as active as possible or you'll be plain angry!
#Gemini must figure out a way to do those things like mani-pedis, hair, peels and beauty treatments
#Cancer this is a good time to catch up on your reading and cook your way through your favorite #Cookbook
#Leo the whistle blowers are out of the gate and there's no stopping them, hopefully they have nothing on you
#Virgo will do their best to save money and shoestring it.
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Monday, April 6, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! It's the day before the Full Moon so the angst is real! The Moon is in worrywart, health conscious, and picky Virgo.  The Moon in Virgo favors #Virgo to take charge, and the initiative and get their way! 
#Libra your energy might not be optimal so rest take your time and work in spurts
#Scorpio  be a force for good and change your interactions with others for best results
#Sagittarius there's a temporary disruption that makes you think about changing directions do so carefully
#Capricorn you're going to have to dig in and be even more stubborn and determined
#Aquarius no negative thinking please keep yourself very busy
#Pisces Don't blame others it's not hoodoo Voodoo and you're not singled out. It's change
#Aries you're another Sun sign who may blame others for what's going on.  it's every-bodies problem
#Taurus work on new projects and don't take chances with your health today and tomorrow
#Gemini you can be a light and the voice of wisdom to others and transform lives if you want to
#Cancer you think outside the box and face heavy responsibilities and all the universe asks is that you do your best
#Leo when you see others fighting you don't like it but there's a tenseness surrounding you
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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Leo ruled by the Sun suggests Get more Sunshine!  Later the Moon enters Virgo and the news isn't good suggesting everyone will have to take things even more seriously!  It's #Leo who shines but shouldn't ignore not feeling 100%, then it's #Virgo's time to stand out, care for and worry about others
#Libra secretly grapples with relationships issues but it looks like they sweep things under the carpet and move on
#Scorpio It's introspection time, time to find a hobby and to keep yourself happy, since no one else can
#Sagittarius people all of a sudden what to know what you're thinking about, and want you to share your ideas Should you?
#Capricorn flying solo has become your New Normal dig out your old unfinished projects and get to work
#Aquarius relationships are under pressure and may stretch your patience
#Pisces its all about mind blowing experiences, things are never as they seem and you are smarter than you think
#Aries necessity is the mother of invention, where are your friends, and helpful people when you need them?
#Taurus you adapt to your new normal and see this time as a time to pursue your own interests not another's
#Gemini a break in your daily grind doesn't target you but makes you aware of the fact that we're all in this together #NotAlone
#Cancer you may have to buck the trend or what someone Tells you to do, and take charge. 

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Thursday, April 2, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon changes sign and enter the generous but me first sign of Leo.  Today immaturity and selfishness might stand out like a sore thumb.  The  Cancer favors #Cancer to take charge and not just go along with another, Then it's #Leo who stands out, bucks others and must be front and center
#Virgo might say something or speak out of turn if he or she feels some sort of way
#Libra you can take chances spontaneous but you'll pay a price for letting your guard down
#Scorpio you are called upon to help which you do but don't expect it to be reciprocated #Selflessness
#Sagittarius you're speaking your mind now and that takes others by surprise
#Capricorn you're able to push the wheel, that means you can #MakeThingsHappen
#Aquarius the same energy that makes you mad is very productive #LetsDoThis
#Pisces if you can imagine it you can manifest it time alone lets yo do all the things you dreamed about doing, just #AtHome
#Aries Stop, and think when you're confronted with a problem and you certainly will solve it
#Taurus don't get caught off guard by wasting money or resources say "No" when you have to
#Gemini little can bring you down since you've experienced so much already, if you can think it you can #ManifestIt 

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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is exalted in Taurus and this favors the Earth Sun signs Virgo, Capricorn and especially #Taurus who shines today.  Opportunities come to Cancer and Pisces. The Moon in Taurus favors #Taurus to get their way and feel great,
#Gemini need to relax, eat well, get rest and not be stressed
#Cancer avoid being taken advantage of during difficult times but helps s much as you can
#Leo be fair to everyone, don't think "It's not my problem"next time it will be so Saturn says
#Virgo teach, learn and dig for facts get closer to those you love
#Libra it's a good day to examine your feelings. Connect to others or just decide to fly solo.
#Scorpio information is power, when asked for it will you share it make others wait or keep quiet?
#Sagittarius when one road closes you look for another route to get to your desired destination and reach your goals #AintNoStoppingMeNow
#Capricorn how resilient are you? Very! Today you see the light at the end of the tunnel, but there's something you have to let go of keyword #Surrender
#Aquarius you are now and almost daily confronted with what's most important to you.  It's family!
#Pisces a new opportunity requires a big change and moves very fast, hang on to your hat!
#Aries a career or profession change is necessary but you have your hands in lots of things just remember to wash them!
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