Sunday, April 5, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo where it's necessary to keep yourself busy or negativity will take over, we don't want that! Do all your nit picking things like pulling weeds, housework, mending and make it into a spiritual ritual like you're cleaning your life of the weeds. Dust like you're clarifying your sight!  The Moon in Virgo favors #Virgo how makes the First move in matters of the heart
#Libra it's a good thing we're under #quarantine you should stay inside!
#Scorpio an opportunity to reconnect lovingly is here or an opportunity to be naughty which do you chose?
#Sagittarius your career and business opportunities never sleep, you'll have to be a shred negotiator though
#Capricorn Jupiter brings a dream...Pay attention look to those who are competitive with you
#Aquarius your likes and dislikes just got even stronger and you understand why you should put yourself first
#Pisces it's all about communications! Talking, not talking, making others wait and being Right!
#Aries don't take chances with your health or violate the #SaferAtHome rules you'll be sorry!
#Taurus this #Lockdown gives you much need time to focus on all things you wished you had more time to do in the past
#Gemini you might want to devote all your time to learning new things, #VirtualTraveling or online learning, Some of you will dabble in the #SpiritualPractices
#Cancer you just want to connect to a feeling that takes you away from your daily grind
#Leo you are inspired by others magnanimous deeds, you learn how to be

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