Monday, April 13, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Capricorn it's detriment, where you have to pick and chose between family and career, your emotions and your duties.  Venus and Vesta connect in Gemini suggesting that to get through today successfully you have to make things interesting for yourself and others. #MindGames
The Moon in Capricorn favors #Capricorn to work twice as hard as the rest of the zodiac signs and get further ahead
#Aquarius make things fun and stimulating today, start an online romance #SwipeRight
#Pisces you might find that your inner alarm clock is off, is it nighttime or day time. #Insominia
#Aries you are touched by others suffering it tugs at your heart and a distant past memory
#Taurus you easily fall into line, do what has to be done and reap the rewards happily
#Gemini you're flush with ideas and guided by your dreams, success is within your grasp
#Cancer It's all about you so don't get mad, don't get even, forget those in your way, walk over and around them
#Leo sudden attractions and powerful intellectual connections may surprise you
#Virgo you have what it takes to heal, comfort and lift others up do so like a saint, expect nothing in return
#Libra you might feel held down, suppressed or stuck, are you doing that to yourself? Take chances today
#Scorpio your will is as strong as it can be, work miracles for others and they will come back to you in kind
#Sagittarius sheer determination and hard work is what's required of you. Start your home or patio garden with the next new Moon in Taurus #Farming

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