Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! It's the 2nd Qtr. Moon in Cancer where it's all about home, family, your nearest, dearest and your peace of mind.  You find out who your friends are and who considers you part of their tribe today.  The 2nd Qtr. Moon in Cancer favors #Cancer to be in charge and take the initiative in all matters,
#Leo hides what they know or what they're coping with
#Virgo still wants to analyze how you feel, how they feel and everything in between
#Libra wants others to make the first move but this could lead to permanent break ups
#Scorpio it's time to look around for your new clan and those people who care about you
#Sagittarius shifts into high gear out of necessity, if you don't do things they don't get done
#Capricorn  figure out new ways to get paid and pay or send money to others
#Aquarius avoid over doing and breaking your back, you need your stamina to stay strong
#Pisces the chip on your shoulder will be melting soon don't blame or be too harsh on others
#Aries your anger could erupt at any moment stay calm
#Taurus new responsibilities come your way and maybe a new business is born out of necessity
#Gemini take your time, don't rush and listen.  let others talk to ensure you're not blamed when things don't work out
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