Friday, March 20, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Aquarius and fairness for all and not the few is a seed that is sprouting. this prepares us for Saturn's entrance into Aquarius.  The Moon in Aquarius favors #Aquarius to get ahead
#Pisces thinks about the past, ancestors and where they've been so far
#Aries the Sun invigorates you as you think about how you'll accomplish your goals despite circumstances
#Taurus some doors close while other doors open for you
#Gemini you fee the uncertainty more than most but you also see the silver lining for your future
#Cancer you're making serious plans with another for your future. #ChangingGears
#Leo you put your differences aside and work together with others, expect some good news
#Virgo you face your better angels and your bad angels but it makes you aware of how you need to change
#Libra you begin to see the importance of other people in your life or the non-importance of some people in your life
#Scorpio you have excellent insight for others but today some people don't listen or won't talk to you
#Sagittarius is looking ahead and planning ahead just don't get stuck far away from home
#Capricorn You connect with others and have the unique opportunity of abundant strength from mars and Jupiter. 

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