Monday, September 16, 2024

Today's Planets and you! The Moon is in Pisces

Today's Planets and you! One day before the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, the Moon is in Pisces! How much stress can you take? 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Pisces, It's your day! You might have to perform your day-to-day activities under duress, without the right tools, or on a shoestring. 

Aries, your leisure life is disrupted, and it's back to work, having to tend to business, filings, and hard work. 

Taurus, luckily, you get to repair what's broken, fix things, and then all you have to do to get a paycheck is show up! 

Gemini, it takes a lot to get you to complain. You're more Capricorn than Gemini these days, and you just get to it and get things done.   

Cancer, the planets can agitate your health if you are trying to do too much which BTW your Sun sign always does! 

Leo, You can feel that someone is out to get you and working against you or trying to get you fired, Oh my! 

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! You might keep your displeasure to yourself because you can't justify complaining and fighting. 

Libra, You keep yourself busy and think it's better to be with someone who's not perfect than alone.

Scorpio, instead of making random acquaintances and friends, find people with whom you share the same interests.  

Sagittarius, you are ambitious and can succeed with a past dream or something you've wanted to do. Try again!

Capricorn, you don't let anyone know your thoughts because that would cause arguments and waste time. You don't like to waste time! 

Aquarius, focus on money and new work opportunities. You might have to work when you'd much rather be flirting and having fun. 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



Saturday, September 14, 2024

Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, the Moon is in Aquarius

 Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, the Moon is in Aquarius, the friendship sign, and you might try to find what unites you with others rather than your differences. 

The Moon favors Aquarius to take charge and get out of the house today! Push the wheel and sell yourself today! 

Pisces, it's ok to rest and move around slowly! It's a good time to heal and get refreshed for the upcoming week.

Aries, it's hard to imagine you might work things out, negotiate, and agree with someone, but you might. 

Taurus, manage your health and wellness to go on to bigger and better things like huge career success.

Gemini, while your finances cause stress, have benefactor luck and enough good fortune to get you through

Cancer, you can collect money that's owed to you or have a favor returned because you, too, have money luck 

Leo, you are fortunate enough to put your ideas into action, have them work out, and get others to support you.  

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! You gain through others, joint finances, divorce, death, inheritances, and insurance. 

Libra, the planets put you in a good position to have a rise in life as you start a new chapter.

Scorpio, you resume a conversation with someone you had feelings for but in a friendlier way

Sagittarius, a new business is in it's infancy, which will see you apart from others and relying on anyone. 

Capricorn, money comes from your hard work and caring for others. Let your creative side loose on the world

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon! Sign up for my Monthly Horoscopes! 



Friday, September 13, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment)

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment), Ceres and Pluto RX are in Capricorn, bringing job or career crises to many. Things get serious suddenly. How will it affect your life? Book your consultation with me

The Moon favors Capricorn to get over any doom and gloom feelings and have things work out just fine.

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Aquarius,. while you have benefactor luck, you also want to make your own money and prosperity.

Pisces, it's a big turning point for you as tangible plans take away your fear of the future and what could happen

Taurus, good fortune finds you, and you must be happy with what today brings you. Money and peace of mind are some of those things. 

Gemini, Pluto rolls back into your 8th house, and after facing fears and worry, money comes easily but not effortlessly.

Cancer, Out of  Bounds Ceres, the Moon, and Pluto are making you more in demand than you realize. 

Leo, avoid conflicts and think things through before you say them. People will look at you weirdly! 

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! It's a good time to have both feet on the ground and find love or what you love to do.

Libra, you get sensitive about keeping your freedom and holding for the one! You won't give up your freedom for just anyone.  

Scorpio, someone you are not attracted to, seeks you out. Now you know what it feels like to be attracted to someone and not have them feel the same way

Sagittarius, look for additional sources of income and ways to earn more money, you need that! 

What's ahead for you? Book a consultation with me. Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



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