Thursday, September 12, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment)

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment), and things get serious suddenly. Mars agitates! A Full Moon Eclipse is on the horizon. How will it affect your life? Book your consultation with me

The Moon favors Capricorn to have to change their plans and deal with indecisive or angry people. 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Aquarius, it's an excellent time to push hard to finish your work or projects, avoid arguments, and pay your fair share. 

Pisces, avoid being too touchy and making mountains out of molehills and don't be hypersensitive. 

Aries, it's best to stick to your work and maintain a daily routine that gives you structure and success.

Taurus, find a place for your angst and anger, especially with co-workers and people who want to help you. 

Gemini, Mars agitates, and everyone is a little touchy, but you're not in the mood to let things slide.

Cancer, you might want to move and go someplace else, especially if you don't feel comfortable at home or where you are. 

Leo, if you're tired, get enough rest. Pushing yourself makes you cranky, and you might say things that upset others.

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! Your personal happiness is at issue. What or who would make you happy? 

Libra, your home life can be challenging, and even though you do a lot, you don't seem to be appreciated.  

Scorpio, you could have a long-distance relationship and want to travel, but it requires some belt-tightening. 

Sagittarius, you're ready for more from life and your desire to take the next steps and move on with your plans is great. Don't stop!  

What's ahead for you? Book a consultation with me. Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's a 2nd Qtr. Moon in Sagittarius at 19º

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's a 2nd Qtr. Moon in Sagittarius at 19º, a very important degree. There's more about this in my extended daily horoscopes!   ©

The Moon favors Sagittarius today to seize their money luck. Who wouldn't like Pluto back in their 2nd house of big bucks, loans, and money?  Read your extended Daily Horoscope. Click on the link in my Bio! Download my App for a free monthly tarot reading! Capricorn, Like Dorthy in the Wizard of Oz, Capricorn pulls your Ruby slippers and click them. It's all just a bad dream that goes away tonight.  Aquarius, tread lightly with your romantic life and think before speaking; you might get too excited to say things that ruin things. 

Pisces, you start to see the world as filled with people who genuinely like you and want to help you. Maybe you need that help today.

Aries. Work hard with attention to the details, and then shorten everything you want to say! Don't be long-winded!  Taurus, It's easy to go with the flow and believe everything will work out. Because it will. Manage health and wellness, work from home.

Gemini, Work towards earning more money through your career and profession. You might be in too deep to change course now! 

Cancer malefic Mars toys with your energy and health! You might be in a hurry today. Avoid accidents and slow down!  

Leo, it's tough to keep your emotions under wraps and not show your anger or displeasure. Avoid conflicts and arguments with women. 

 Virgo, Happy Solar Return! While it's true the world is your oyster, you hold yourself back with an emotional attachment you have outgrown.

Libra, waiting on others, waiting for the green light to move or approval, is not your forte. You're a cardinal sign, a doer! 

 Scorpio, it's a great time to meet new people, venture out of your comfort zone, and get involved in the world around you. Don't judge a book by its cover. 


Monday, September 9, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon enters Sagittarius!

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon enters Sagittarius, and you need to find that silverling as things are far too serious and hectic. ©

The Moon favors Sagittarius; it's your time this afternoon when you take charge and jump in. Sitting still and waiting is not an option.  Read your extended Daily Horoscope. Click on the link in my Bio! Download my App for a free monthly tarot reading! Capricorn, you can only get caught up with some things you must and want to do because you keep adding stuff to your list!  Aquarius, you can get caught up in a new romance or flirtation and not think about the future consequences and your current situation. 

Pisces, you need others to get further or help you over a hump. Be grateful and gracious to those who have your best interest at heart. 

Aries. The line of communication that has been closed has started to open. Are you willing to negotiate and compromise?  Taurus, manage health and wellness and rid your mind of a fear. To move on successfully, you have to eat well and be healthy. 

Gemini, people don't always tell you how good you are, and that's troubling. But it shouldn't be what motivates you to work hard. 

Cancer, combative Mars is in your Sun sign, and you want to take down the competition. Are you ready to fight? Leo, overcoming insecurities and fears is challenging, but you can Keep busy, work hard, and manage good health.

 Virgo, Happy Solar Return! While you come to some reasonable conclusions about your romantic life, you skillfully don't tell anyone what you think. 

Libra, you start to see how you interact with others and who you want in your life forever. Avoid people who make you feel uncomfortable or inhibited. 

 Scorpio, you get the green light to spend and make a major purchase. You might be happy to get away and travel.