Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon in Virgo and Libra Today! Expect a change in the energy around dinner time.
#Virgo you take charge and feel a little victorious but aren't ready to say "I won!" just yet
How does the Virgo Moon influence you?
#Libra handle issues as they arise and they will arise then relax with a nice cocktail later you'll need it
#Scorpio you're all about staying on top of things and it's exhausting hopefully the weekend is better
#Sagittarius you need something new to get excited about, inspired by and that captures your heart
#Capricorn it's the last day for mars to agitate your wallet, thank G-d. Be resourceful for now
#Aquarius there's someone you don't want to talk to anymore because you can't convince them you're right
#Pisces there's more challenges headed your way and more work a new 2-year cycle begins tonight
#Aries you are like a spider waiting to strike, you are empowered to draw the one in the sand
#Taurus set your priorities in order of importance and you can accomplish the impossible
#Gemini it's time to restructure your career, business or profession do things differently
#Cancer be creative and don't be shy to be a standout and go ahead and surprise everyone
#Leo you refuse to give up or give in so reorganize and get rid of hanger son who do nothing for you