Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Aries, a fiery impulsive sign that makes you weigh risks and rewards but go with getting your way anyways! The Moon favors #Aries to stage a comeback in a big way. Sort through new ideas and make short term plans
Today's lucky numbers 29,10,6,12,15,45, and 46,4,17,33,53,36, or you can order your personal Winning Times and Lucky numbers here.
#Taurus you'll be very busy working and burning the midnight oil and increasing earnings
#Gemini Happy Solar Return, Connect to people who are just like you for windfalls and surprises
#Cancer you're on top of the world and people look up and wish they were just like you
#Leo broaden your life with new adventures and nix people who don't support your adventures side
#Virgo you have high ideals and hope for a new relationship or marriage opportunities
#Libra you're icy cold to a past love who hasn't forgotten you, Moving on is easier than ever
#Scorpio explore work opportunities and decide what you'll give invest your time doing
#Sagittarius you might be beaming with pride over a love interest, the babies, or your accomplishments
#Capricorn the planets keep you very busy almost too busy, opportunities to earn more money abound
#Aquarius just smile and be happy this will bring love, lucky breaks, and happiness to you a cold disposition not so much!
#Pisces you're very hopeful and can see opportunities to increase your income from different sources
Need more so go to for the extended Daily Horoscope