Showing posts with label NCGR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NCGR. Show all posts

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra, so things can feel balanced or at a standstill. "When things are in balance, or nothing is happening, some people like to shake things up.

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Libra, It's your day Maybe you want to be closer to your partner or be in love but also avoid drowning in their problems.

Scorpio, it's karma time, and how can you stop your thoughts from rolling around in what was said, done, and where things are now? 

Sagittarius, allow your relationships to change if they are to survive in the future! Be yourself without guilt. Don't give up on love.

Capricorn, soon you'll hatch out of your cocoon and blossom into a social butterfly; until then, get ready! 

Aquarius, having a few places to stay or go gives you the space you need to avoid how you really feel and the changes those feelings may bring. 

Pisces, don't just float and take what comes your way even though it's not so bad; where do you see yourself in the future? 

Aries, you can influence others, not your mate or partner; it's you. Take your place in history! 

Taurus, you're world comes to a halt and it's time to handle things you can't ignore. Ok that's what retrograde planets are for. 

Gemini, Happy Solar Return! It's not easy to balance your life, love, and happiness with the demands put on you. But you try. 

Cancer, you make huge personal sacrifices for your family and those you are close to, but you're also protecting your finances. 

Leo, you can't say the same old things; everyone, including your lover, wants to hear something new. Whisper new sweet nothings! 

Virgo, you think of marriage as the be-all and end-all, and this keeps you trapped, vulnerable, and less open to meeting new people. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon in Sagittarius

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon in Sagittarius, you'll be setting some new rules and boundaries for others if you don't feel appreciated, accepted, or trusted. The Moon connects to the GA and the GC important astronomical points. 

The Moon favors Sagittarius, and you're about to go in a new direction; let go of those people who don't see you in the right light or whose ideas about you are not correct.  

Read your extended Daily Horoscope. Click on the link in my Bio!  Download my App for a free monthly tarot reading! 

Capricorn, it really is all about trust now. You're too smart to waste your time on anyone who doesn't appreciate or trust you. 

Aquarius, you could be having to check in on someone who's not doing well or checking up on people, making sure they did what they said they would do. 

Pisces, it's a great day to get things done, embrace responsibilities and work, and make your life run smoothly. Open up to others. 

 Aries, you can't be sure what you hear is true, so ask questions and get both sides of an argument or a 2nd opinion. 

Taurus, after some turmoil, money starts to flow, and a regular check comes your way. Don't waste your money, though. 

Gemini, Happy Solar Return! It's your time, and you'll find the job or work you thoroughly enjoy. Your joy returns. 

Cancer, while you work hard, you also enjoy profits and time to enjoy your life and money. Plan a trip. 

Leo, you refuse to give up on your ambition or dream of reaching the top despite better advice. You don't care what others think. 

Virgo, a more hectic time is on the way, and you have to find people to help you as things get more hectic. 

Libra, be clear when you speak, not vague, and if others are vague with you, pin them down to a "yes or No." 

Scorpio, you can be so hypersensitive that you shut the door or block anyone who doesn't respond in kind to you. You might be looking for an argument to clear the mess. 



Thursday, May 23, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Full Moon in Sagittarius

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Full Moon in Sagittarius, where the grass is always greener on the other side and generosity lives. Today, you laugh at what some people say as it gets more outrageous! 

The Moon favors Sagittarius as the center of attention or in the hot seat, depending on how you've handled things. It's time to move on! 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope. Click on the link in my Bio!  Download my App for a free monthly tarot reading! 

Capricorn, the Full Moon spotlights your fears, and guess what? Nothing is that bad! In fact, things are quite lucky 

Aquarius, you gain through helping others, being the hero, and putting down what you're doing to help

Pisces, a pat on the back goes a very long way, and higher-ups like what they see. Money comes as a result. 

 Aries, what a great time to overcome fears and mental blocks, ask questions ask for discounts, and negotiate, don't gossip and spread rumors 

Taurus, be bold and solve problems and soon enough they will be behind you, The universe rewards the courageous now

Gemini, Happy Solar Return! You have to stop what you're doing and handle repairs so you can get on with your fabulous life

Cancer, indulge your fantasies, and have a long weekend at the beach; nowadays, you can work anywhere. 

Leo, you are creative and outrageous simultaneously, but you don't care. "Whatever works," you say. 

Virgo, even though there's a song playing over and over in your mind, you have to get on with things and let go of someone for a while. 

Libra, it's not the time to throw caution to the wind and meet up with strangers. Don't be incognito; go by a different name, or that's what you'll attract. 

Scorpio, you'll spend the next few days thinking about what to say and how to come back from blowing someone off.



Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall)

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall), making everything feel more intense and raising the stakes. This Moon phase helps if you're looking for more determination and focus. 

Scorpio, it's your day today! You want to be accepted as an equal but are too quick to jump to conclusions.

Download my App, Horoscopes by Terry Nazon, to get your natal birth chart reports or click on the link in my Bio

Sagittarius, you have a slow burn today, and you might try to keep what you're thinking inside. Ugh! 

Capricorn, if you're sensitive, you feel a cycle has changed, so try to change the words and tempo or bring in new ideas. 

Aquarius, you could be in a hurry to finish a project or close a deal. Your luck turns around. 

Pisces, you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and soon your finances will look brighter. 

Aries, remind yourself to be nice and let things go. It won't pay to create any more animosity. Make life about you. Don't look around.

Taurus, a new financial cycle, is underway and will continue for another year. Focus on creating multiple sources of income.

Gemini, Happy Solar Return! Money comes from your career, hard work, and all the B.S. you have put up with. 

Cancer, you would probably prefer to stay home more, rest poolside, and recuperate from stressful situations. Work hard and rest hard. 

Leo, you always have a plan and are always a step ahead of anything and anyo e. For that reason, it's hard for anyone to bring you down

Virgo, you might be thinking too hard about being at the top, famous, and on everyone's party list.

Libra, you might be too busy with your career or family life, and relationships must fit into your schedule. 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, It's the 4th Qtr. Moon in Aquarius

 Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, It's the 4th Qtr. Moon in Aquarius and Pluto goes retrograde this afternoon; you might wonder, "What did I get myself into?" 

The Moon favors Aquarius to handle money issues, sell things, or sign a property agreement. Take charge of matters. 

Pisces, your financial situation changes, but you might still feel it's insufficient. Take your time making major improvements to your life.  

Aries, you need someone to agree with you, as you can be afraid to confront an ex, old friend or someone from your past 

Taurus, Happy Solar Return. You see all too clearly how to get what you want and go about things the right way. 

Gemini, you teach, train, and have wisdom to share with others who want your guidance instead of someone who needs your guidance.  

Cancer, you find new ways to achieve your goals and get investors or new customers and clients. 

Leo, you face a new way of being, and perhaps you change how you speak to others or how you sway them to your way of thinking. 

Virgo, you consider your relationship status and maybe realize you need someone in your life to help you. 

Libra, You can meet new people; it's all about overcoming yourself and your ego and being friendly and confident.  

Scorpio, your emotional reactions are strong and can cause angst and conflicts with others. Don't burn bridges! 

Sagittarius, you want to reach out and not live in a bubble as the world calls you to come out and play.

Capricorn, how you earn and make money is the personal topic you think about today. You need to make the most of your time   

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon! Sign up for my Monthly Horoscopes! 



Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, Its 4th Qtr. Moon in Aquarius

Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, It's the 4th Qtr. Moon in Aquarius and Pluto goes retrograde tomorrow.  How are your hopes and fears changing? 

The Moon favors Aquarius to change their thinking and change direction as new conversations and negotiations change, too.

Pisces, things that would have escalated don't today as you have too much to look forward to 

Aries, while the same fears haunt you, putting blinders on and moving forward makes all the difference in the world. 

Taurus, Happy Solar Return; you change with epiphanies becoming a regular daily occurrence that changes your outlook 

Gemini, your financial fears are proved to be wrong F.E.A.R means false evidence appearing real. 

Cancer, you're more than ready to get movingon your lofty career goals. Success is within your reach 

Leo, you don't waste time getting rid of what's not working nd that means people and relationships. oh my!  

Virgo, you can't shake someone from the past. Maybe you don't want to and think, "If only if..." You find a housekeeping reason to call them

Libra, you're excited about meeting new people, but you keep your past options open, Some find a way to surround someone from the past

Scorpio, you don't want to be forgotten by someone you felt something for. Are you in love or just obsessed? 

Sagittarius, you don't want to come down too harshly on someone you love or like, so control yourself. 

Capricorn, Lucky breaks are here and your financial fears are blown away. You realize you have to control your thoughts better.  

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon! Sign up for my Monthly Horoscopes! 



Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope the Moon is in friendly but detached Aquarius

 Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, the Moon is in friendly but detached Aquarius, while the Sun Is in another fixed sign, Taurus. There's a certain rush to today's aspects that push you to solve problems and push yourself. Mars is in Aries at the World Axis degree stay tuned to what happens! Whistleblowers are in the news.

The Moon favors Aquarius to suddenly feel strong and wonder why they worried so much. 

Pisces, paying ever-increasing bills pushes you to earn more money and make decisions based on how much a job pays. 

Aries, it's your time, and suddenly, a surge of energy propels you forward; you are grateful for supportive people.

Taurus, Happy Solar Return, a decision about employment looms large, and you consider a job change that pays more.

Gemini, the time has come to get going,  make money and get your finances in order through your career or business.

Cancer, collect what's owed to you, stay current on your finances and with your bank. Career opportunities come your way today. 

Leo, one minute, people are cheering for you. The next, you're ready to collapse and wonder if you can continue.

Virgo, if you're not working and sticking to a productive routine, it's health matters that you have to take care of

Libra, you might decide it's time to stop pursuing or wishing a partner would come around. Today, move on. 

Scorpio,  you have lots of love to give, and your heart could be opened by someone who needs you or a small animal or pet.

Sagittarius, you have caviar tastes today, but find ways to get what you want for less, even in your home or decor.

Capricorn, money realties hit you today and you will be less indulgent as home expenses need your attention. 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon! Sign up for my Monthly Horoscopes! 
