Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon in Taurus (Exaltation), where the Moon is never void, of course. It's all about what feels good, tastes good, and takes your time.
Taurus, you're the Moon's favorite now; expect big changes and excitement if you don't trip yourself up.
Gemini, you gain financially through your reputation and hard work, so make sure it's stellar and network with exciting people.
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Cancer, you need to recharge and maybe look for those things that make you feel great and fill your cup to overflowing.
Leo, you might be scared about the future and need a friend or a fan to hold your hand an accompany you.
Virgo, relationships may end up being costly in the future if you're not careful. Avoid giving too much to others
Libra, others motivate you, and when you see what they are doing, you get excited and competitive. Oh my!
Scorpio, be more confident when a big project or new job comes your way. Go ahead, challenge yourself! You can do anything.
Sagittarius, it's nice and soothing when someone agrees with you and comforts you. You need that.
Capricorn, you're more of a dreamer than people give you credit fo and can't contain the creativity you feel. Let it out!
Aquarius, it's a new chapter in your life if only everyone else or a particular family member would notice!
Pisces, Happy Solar Return! You may feel insecure if you make a financial mistake, but you'll get over that soon.
#Aries, plan for your Solar Return by paying debts, cleaning up your to-do list, and finishing projects.