Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Today's Planets and You! It's the Moon is in Scorpio (Fall) and Sagittarius

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall), and changes sign into Sagittarius; this changes your mood from hesitant to happy! The Sagittarius mood is positive, seeing the cup as half full, while the Scorpio Moon sees the cup as half empty. That's an improvement! 

Scorpio, it's your day; you might get an offer, but then ask yourself, "Do I want to work that hard or take on something I know little about?"

Sagittarius, It's your day this afternoon, so when you start to see things more positively or suddenly wake up, Thank the Moon!  

Capricorn, while you need more space, it's coming; until then, clear emotional blocks and change your limited thinking. #mindspace

Aquarius, of course, you feel up and down. That's Pluto. Don't worry about things you cannot change, but change those things you can. All of a sudden, opportunities come your way. 

Pisces, Happy Solar Return! Imagine the Sun builds up its energy in your Sun sign, and you feel compelled to make a change. But will it be costly? 

Aries, Tomorrow is only a day away when the Sun shines on you, so get ready, plan, and pack! Are you ready for change? 

Taurus, a new opportunity has you working behind the scenes to earn extra money. Don't spend it yet, but put it away. Adjust your schedule and manage family matters.

Gemini, you're undoubtedly thinking about all the hard work you've put into your success and how it compares to the real world. 

Cancer, manage health wellness, inflammations, and redness. Open doors for yourself and let others see what you can do for them.

Leo, think more carefully and avoid being impulsive or harming others if you can. You might get away with it, but the universe is watching.

Virgo, don't put any pressure on a romantic partner or an ex who might come back to you in the future. 

Libra, a new romance and new popularity, is trying to find you, so get out more and mingle.

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