Sunday, December 1, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! With the New Moon in Sagittarius

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! With the New Moon in Sagittarius connecting to the fixed star Antares, things get feisty, fun, and occasionally panicky! It's all around the influence of others and relationships. 

Sagittarius Happy Solar Return! The New Moon starts a new cycle where you continue to take stock of what you like and don't like! 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope. Click on the link in my Bio!  Download my App for a free monthly tarot reading! 

Capricorn, the New Moon in Sagittarius, keeps you on your toes, helps you find lost objects, and tests your management skills.

Aquarius, there's an influx of new friends and excitement, but you can't help but think about what an ex is up to or doing. 

Pisces, no one will stop being nice and happy or saying happy holidays to you so you can join in. 

 Aries, you suspect others are causing your problems. It's Saturn. Relent and accept things, making the best of what life hands you for now. 

Taurus, manage your career and profession and all the possibilities for making more money. Romance moves more slowly. 

Gemini, you don't have to do much, and there's a swirl of activity around you that you don't plan for or cause. You enjoy it. 

Cancer, while the potential for making money is before you, nothing is for sure. Have a backup plan. 

Leo, you could rush into changes, take chances, make quick decisions, and have to go back and fix things later.  

Virgo, while you look forward to meeting old friends and being with them, they have made other plans. It's disappointing. 

Libra, you usually rush into a romance or relationship, consider the details later, and find faults with the person. 

Scorpio, you need to make a name for yourself and create your own universe, but you also need help. 



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