Monday, September 30, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo, a good time to keep busy and avoid excessive worry. Let me remind you that a 2nd Moon has flown in, bringing strange new energy from the outer regions of the universe! Ceres is also out of Bounds! 

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Virgo, the Moon favors you to count on yourself and not on others and keep your feet firmly on the planet regarding relationships. 

Libra, Happy SolarRetun! You can be indecisive and have many romantic choices that confuse you further. 

Scorpio, do what you can to build your confidence and connect to your tried and true friends who make you feel special.

Sagittarius, career and business opportunities can earn you lots of money, but you might be scared to take the leap! 

Capricorn, when you're on, you're on! All the attention you start to get might start to become overwhelming. 

Aquarius, there are so many different directions you could go in, so it comes down to one factor: money.    

Pisces, the attitude of "I can do this on my own" fades, and you accept help and understand that others are gifted where you are not. 

Aries, you like complete control over your partner. Of course, you'll never admit it, but let them live and be free to pursue their dreams. 

Taurus, hopefully, you haven't felt invincible in the past, but if you did, a more careful you is now in control. 

Gemini, don't just think about what you're going to do; do it now. This procrastinating isn't working. 

Cancer, Give yourself a few months to get back in shape or the desired shape you envision or want to be in. 

Leo, you know the adage, "Be careful what you wish for." Well, you should do that, or you'll be in a gilded cage. 

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