Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Today's Planets and you! The Moon is in Pisces

 Today's Planets and you! The Moon is in Pisces, where blind enthusiasm is possible for some and insecurities are possible for others. Reach into your psyche through stillness, release that one thought that permeates your reality, and let it melt away. 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at https://www.terrynazon.com or click on the link in my Bio.

Pisces, It's your day. The Moon favors you to release minor health issues, seek help, and realize it wasn't as big a deal as you thought. 

Aries, slow down before you make a sales call and ask yourself if you're being too aggressive. Today is your day to rest.

Taurus, it's best not to suffer in silence or try to self-medicate but to seek professional help and alleviate your fears.

Gemini, today, you must keep going and motivate yourself because there are no options that allow you to give up. 

Cancer, you might look around for what is causing your problems, shore up your spirituality, and strengthen your faith. 

Leo, Happy Solar Return! It's a good time to change and maybe not expect others to follow you, but to see what others are thinking and what is new in the world.   

Virgo, take note and find balance in your life; while you readily help, who's helping you? 

Libra, don't assume someone is thinking about you when they are not; don't assume a closeness that's not there. 

Scorpio, you're not about to deny yourself happiness or anything else. Indulgence gives way to your determination not to do something. 

Sagittarius, today's hectic pace reminds you to work with others and be a good +1, friend, or partner to many different people. 

Capricorn, you find the answers in your quietness and remove blockages to your financial well-being and prosperity.

Aquarius, you can make a financial break through by not avoiding hard work and putting more effort into things! 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



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