Thursday, July 25, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Aries

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Aries! Astrology is about cycles, and that's how predictions are made. And there's a cycle underway right now! 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Taurus, you gain throughout the job as they may feel generous with free lunches and benefits. Hurry, or you'll miss the buffet. 

Gemini, your hard work pays off, and your responsibility history puts you on top with increased money and profits. 

Cancer, someone moves out of your way or quits, and the path to the top is clearer for you. The shy crab wants to rule the world.

Leo, Happy Solar Return! You're competitive and about to take on a new project and try to turn it around. It works, but not in your personal life.

Virgo, an ex, starts to text when they feel your interest waning, but once you give them attention, they go back to being naughty! 

Libra, you are encouraged by others and need their enthusiasm and energy to rub off on you! 

Scorpio, you'll have ample opportunity to meet new people and connect to others through mutual interests like astrology! 

Sagittarius, Wake up, Sagittarius! Pay attention to what's going right under your nose or while you have been away hiking through the mountains. 

Capricorn, you bridge a financial gap and think you'll do that two more times. Peace of mind follows. 

Aquarius, if you're not paying attention to your lover, someone else will. Check in on your love interest! Oh my! 

Pisces, you gain gifts, benefits, and money from your generous employer. Once again, they give you more responsibilities and appreciate you. 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



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