Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Today's Planets and you! The Moon is in Pisces

 Today's Planets and you! The Moon is in Pisces, bringing out the philanthropists, donors, ministers, healers, nurses, doctors, victims, con artists, charlatans, and scammers. You face your illusions and disillusionments. Check out my Book Moon Signs, La Luna, and Amazon. https://shorturl.at/sREwT

Read your extended Daily horoscope at https://www.terrynazon.com or click on the link in my Bio.

Pisces, It's your day; you might be recovering from bringing the wrong place at the wrong time. Lesson learned! 

Aries, it's better to go deep within yourself as time alone is an investment in working through your fears.

Gemini, you get a 2nd chance at showing others what you can do. You also fear a repeat of something that happened in the past. 

Cancer, you have lots to handle and take care of regarding money, getting things paid, and having others live off of you. 

Leo, Happy Solar Return! It's your time, but you must rearrange things to adjust to major changes. 

Virgo, things get competitive and tense. You need to buckle down and be the best you can be if you're to be successful.

Libra, you can be in a routine and not want anyone to get you off your stride, but then you find yourself all alone. 

Scorpio is the last to know things or just puts their head in the sand, not wanting to know or see what's right under their nose.

Sagittarius, you might be tired or drained, so rest and don't rush around to help others. They wouldn't do that for you, would they? 

Capricorn, avoid conflicts or talk back as much as you want to say something and choose your words carefully.

Aquarius, you imagine you're receiving some financial gain or gift. Okay, maybe you are! 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



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