Monday, April 29, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment)

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment), while Mars conjoined Neptune and Venus changed signs! Neptune will dissolve things, especially at the fated degree, in pieces! Let it! 

The Moon favors Capricorn to release the past and move on. Don't start a fight; stay very positive. 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Aquarius, while you might have serious concerns and critical financial matters or property matters on your mind, don't take action. 

Pisces, a new dawn is coming, and it's about money! Hopefully, you will take heed and manage your money much better. 

Aries, market yourself and remember how you became a big deal in the past; you don't have to rewrite history; just do it again. 

Taurus, Happy Solar Return! You resolve to get your life together and leave the past in the past, that means don't contact an ex.

Gemini, hang on to your money; don't spend it yet, and allow bad vibes in your career to dissolve. 

Cancer, those who surround you now are tried and true; work hard and overcome others' attempts to block you from getting to the top! 

Leo, some wonder where their money is going as it disappears, while others will be wise enough to make deals and get more money

Virgo, just let some people fade into the past while you climb the ladder of success and don't let a relationship bring you down. 

Libra, being helpful and not expecting anything in return might be a good idea and open your life to something big.

Scorpio, don't be so quick to judge others; you have to really get to know them to see that some people are jewels.

Sagittarius, free yourself from a strange family dynamic and just move on. Someone may fade away, or you might let a grudge go. 

What's ahead for you? Book a consultation with me. Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



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