Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in LibraThe Libra Moon soothes itself with a shopping spree, trip to the salon, or with some good old-fashioned flirting.  The Moon in Libra favors #Libra who will waste no time replacing a go-nowhere relationship

#Scorpio that person who encourages you and tells you you're wonderful and looks up to you is your person 

#Sagittarius today you're happiest with beautiful and talented people the better looking the happier you are

#Capricorn you're super competitive and won't be told what to do, no one wants to see a mad billy goat! So they give in

#Aquarius don't question yourself even when someone treats you like you're replaceable, that's manipulation

#Pisces the sweet fish is a soft touch to another's suffering and might sacrifice too much for another

 #Aries you want to be seen as that person who made it on your own without help and some of you have 

#Taurus you want to be happy and get along with others but your ego won't allow for any bending today. 

#Gemini showing your talents and what you are really capable of doing is hard in a competitive workplace

 #Cancer your willing to walk away, throw in the towel, and move on if need be, you don't need the BS

#Leo you prefer to be around those who listen and agree with you but someone special does not agree with you

#Virgo you can compare yourself to others and you might find it challenging to take someone who's not yours

For a longer version of your daily horoscopes, go to 

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