Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the New Moon cycle in Virgo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the New Moon cycle in Virgo maybe you decide to get up a little early to get more done! The New cycle Moon in Virgo favors  #Virgo during their Solar Return to tape into the celestial energy and feel empowered!   

#Libra there's delicious intrigue surrounding your relationships and the undercurrent is fun and maybe  scandalous

#Scorpio you could be holding out for someone who is unavailable later you might regret wasting your time

#Sagittarius balance your relationships with a thicker skin, a tablespoon of reality and an eye towards the bigger picture 

#Capricorn don't believe what you're told, as people tend to leave important details out or say It's none of your business

#Aquarius the grat love em or leave em debate goes on! Get a daisy and pull the petals saying  he or she loves me, loves me not

#Pisces new relationships that are more in line with your soul and future come into your life 

 #Aries steer clear of troubles between friends, an ex and in-laws, in the end, you might get the blame 

#Taurus soon enough with some effort on your part you'll  feel like standing on your own to feet and earn more money

#Gemini in order to get ahead you'll have to put up with a lot and work through some relationship issues 

 #Cancer there's a power struggle between you and others over money and it hurts your feelings deeply

#Leo you grow weary of your long term relationship or a friendship that's too confining 

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