Monday, August 9, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo,

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo, and the Sun is in Leo so today attention to expenses, spending, and getting what you want. secrets can be revealed today!  The Virgo Moon favors #Virgo to struggle with all their romantic options but in a good way! 

#Libra you have a talent for keeping yourself busy and finding new hobbies and lovers

#Scorpio it's time to get out and about reclaiming your happiness take more chances and gambles

#Sagittarius there's a sense of freedom and a feeling that the world is your oyster Go for it

#Capricorn you're sure not to overlook details today but you'll learn more by letting others explain things to you

#Aquarius Avoid conflicts by not telling others how you really feel, avoid accidents and check your account statements

#Pisces slow down your thoughts and take your time to talk to others without rambling or going off on tangents

 #Aries you might have your own misgivings about your romantic partner too many details are up in the air

#Taurus there's good news and lucky breaks that you weren't even expecting, that makes them even better 

#Gemini there's always what you want to do and what others expect you to do and you don't let others down

 #Cancer your mind is thinking, thinking, thinking and that makes for restless nice tossing and turning

#Leo secrets can be revealed by others who hold your secrets or know something about you oh my! 

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