Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo,   The Virgo Moon favors all the Earth signs but it's #Virgo who gets their way today

#Libra you could be feeling quite nostalgic making this a good time to heal the past

#Scorpio you tend to keep friends forever and today is a great day to strengthen those forever bonds

#Sagittarius major changes are happening so continue to prepare for them and get ready 

#Capricorn don't be shy about telling others why you are the perfect person for any job

#Aquarius major changes influence your financial prosperity don't let anything get in the way 

#Pisces your focus is on others, being helpful to them, and getting help from them too how nice! 

 #Aries by now you should be far along and ahead of the pack, ready to seize the future Are you? 

#Taurus any day now, you will be the recipient of some good fortune. Doors are opening  

#Gemini you can't be afraid of taking chances or a quantum leap, find someone to hold your hand and just do it

 #Cancer don't let worry or fretting stop the wheels of change from happening, because they are happening with or without you

#Leo allow others to help you and reconnect with someone who still cares but you left behind

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