Sunday, August 15, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall)

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall)  the Moon is not happy in the sign of Scorpio. Why? Because it can't express feelings opening in this fixed water sign.  Today favors #Scorpio to take charge, move on quickly and keep themselves super busy

Read your extended Daily Horoscope on my website!  

#Sagittarius you can have a harder time expressing yourself so you might choose to ignore offending parties 

#Capricorn you have to get back to work so you easily unplug from anyone who isn't easy that doesn't go over well with some

#Aquarius the stress is on, Hopefully, you don't show it and people around you are none the wiser that you're stressed

#Pisces you may be at a turning point realizing your mistakes and getting on with life 

#Aries your ambitions can be too much for some to handle and they might start asking probing questions 

#Taurus while you question your stability you have to keep things together things change tonight     

 #Gemini all of a sudden things go from zero to 100, slow to fast avoid jealousy and jumping to conclusions                                                                                            

#Cancer your phone rings off the hook with someone who wouldn't speak to you before 

#Leo it's up to you to keep everyone together even your feuding family or partner 

#Virgo it's hard but it's probably best to avoid controversy and arguments over little things

#Libra it's a good day to finish projects and prepare for the week ahead which looks exciting

Don't forget there's an extended Daily Horoscope on my website! 


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