Friday, August 13, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in LibraIt's Friday the 13th!  The Moon is in Libra who holds the karmic scales of Justice. the Moon favors #Libra to make big decisions today and be bold! 

#Scorpio ponders relationships and partnerships today that feel awkward but only until Sunset!

#Sagittarius you have lots of people to consider when making a big move or change in your life

#Capricorn tighten your belt and tend to all the loose ends in your life like a pro 

#Aquarius avoid making excuses you might sound like a broken record, don't be selfish today

#Pisces it's important that you don't try to do too much or waste your time with nonsense 

 #Aries your ability to talk anyone into anything is excellent but will you regret it? 

#Taurus you can see that the possibilities to earn money are great everything just has to come together 

#Gemini opportunities come one at a time and relationships step along one step at a time too

 #Cancer big changes can make you feel alone or isolated it's important to heal rifts before they become permanent

#Leo you could be oblivious to some of the gripes and conflicts going on around you stay in touch more! 

#Virgo stay calm with stormy energies around you that make it impossible to sit still 

For a longer version of your daily horoscopes, go to 

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