Thursday, April 22, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo on Earth Day! the sign of Virgo isn't just about work, Virgo figures things out!  The Moon favors #Virgo to take charge and figure out solutions to their everyday problems but needs to avoid fakes

#Libra focus on finishing projects and cleaning up where you live, not on a relationship that's going nowhere 

#Scorpio push yourself just a little more Go out, walk around and connect to a potential love interest

#Sagittarius prepare for change and some promising offers work together with others tend to your wellness 

#Capricorn you could rest and do nothing or you could be Pluto and force things through 

#Aquarius at any moment things can change as the tension for love and happiness has you in its grips

#Pisces you have to learn to enjoy your alone time and to connect to yourself don't lose your identity

 #Aries your creativity pays off in royalties negotiate money deals and open hands for a windfall

#Taurus Happy Solar Return if things seem hard and you face delays no worries you're determined 

#Gemini so now you know not to wait and rely on anyone else That's fine take matters into your own hands

 #Cancer a spark ignites in your soul and you say "Why not?" Do spontaneous things because you can

#Leo to get ahead you need to keep in everyone's good graces even with people you don't care about 

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