Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo and growing fuller! As the Moon grows fuller emotions do too.  This favors #Virgo to get their way and to get busy and to the bottom of what's bothering them

#Libra work behind the scenes for greater financial gains tidy up loose ends and finish projects

#Scorpio connect to old friends for instance really old friends the ones who knew you when 

#Sagittarius prepare for change and some promising offers work together with others tend to your wellness 

#Capricorn your unique talents get showcased, opportunities swoop in so catch those falling stars quickly

#Aquarius seize opportunities to increase your income and change your life by maybe moving to a new home 

#Pisces your mind works fast enough you don't need more caffeine, get along with others a do new things today

 #Aries your creativity pays off in royalties negotiate money deals and open hands for a windfall

#Taurus it's your time and it starts with unique professional opportunities and a desire to get ahead

#Gemini a big change is not the way hidden sources of money and hidden secret friendships develop

 #Cancer time to get ready for a change tend to health matters so you feel 100% get ready

#Leo work your magic and look for hidden gems and try to get good or better deals on everything

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