Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! the Moon changes signs form Libra to Scorpio today.  Venus ret. squares Mars for not just a war but a war of the sexes!  The Moon in Scorpio is dark, secretive and mysterious, intent on purging and excising painful situations.  The Moon first favors #Libra and then #Scorpio to get their way and take the lead.
#Sagittarius is hides their true feelings Tell someone "I need you" or ask for help
#Capricorn It's all about work, staying busy, getting ahead and avoiding unnecessary conflict
#Aquarius it's easy go too far taking undo chances and risks
#Pisces edgy and nervous energy suggest you keep yourself very busy for best results
#Aries be cautious about saying the wrong thing chose your words carefully
#Taurus most of you are focused on getting ahead some are tempted by other things
#Gemini You don't like to feel used or pushed around and you might be. Let the moment pass
#Cancer you like to help out but some take advantage of you, guard your valuables 
#Leo Who's the boss? You are and you're going to prove it
#Virgo Do things on your own as others can let you down You know better how to do things

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