Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Monthly Newsletter for June



2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides



During the month of June the Lunar Nodes having just entered Gemini and Sagittarius and are stationary. Before we get to move on and the planets go direct we are all being evaluated and our hearts are being weighed. If you have any planets at the anaretic or fated degree 29°, you’re up first! When this happens and it does about twice a year, it signals a time when judgments are being made and your progress here on Earth is being evaluated. You are so much more than flesh and blood, there’s a real soul inside you having an Earthy experience. I love the question Glenda the good witch asks Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ “Are you a good with or a bad witch?” Because literally the universe has paused and is asking “Are you Good or bad?” What’s at stake is your progress moving forward. Will you go backwards (South Node in Sagittarius) and trigger this by repeating past habits, patterns and deeds, or will you move forward, progressing in life (North Node in Gemini) and go onwards and upwards? As the Nodes stand still you have a choice. What you don’t have a choice over is your fate and destiny which is being evaluated right now. No one wants to hear that their actions and intentions dictate their future through the planets.

With up to 6 planets retrograde on June 22nd and June 24th and three Eclipses in a row, let’s all strive to be better and get in some good deeds. It matters to your future destiny and fate. Astrology is a language unto itself, and to harness the power of it you need to really understand it. Each planet, asteroid and invisible point has an energy all it’s own the connects with something deep inside of you and triggers a reaction for good or bad. We all have good and bad inside of us. Let’s just be and do better. Let your conscience be your guide going forward in June. You will be tested and your heart will be searched. Your future decided.

When will things feel more normal? The last week of July. Mercury and Venus move out of their retrograde shadows and Mars is in Aries and in a hurry!

What can you do to improve your life. What are your planets saying to you? Need More information? Let’s connect! Book your consultation with me here.


Aries : As your astrology horoscope month begins Aries and Aries Rising, the Moon is growing fuller to a Full Moon Eclipse in larger than life, optimistic, or overboard Sagittarius, your 9th house.  The 9th house of travel, legalities, knowledge, education, and new experiences.   People want to be active in what they believe is meaningful.  But’s it marred by Mars in Pisces in the same sign as Neptune that takes advantage of situations, people and victimizes others when afflicted. Click here for more...

Taurus : As your astrology horoscope month begins Taurus and Taurus Rising,  the Moon is growing fuller to a Full Moon Eclipse in larger than life, optimistic, or overboard Sagittarius.  The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius at 15°, your solar 8th house of joint finances, overcoming challenges, facing crisis or deadlines, paying bills, and intimacy, jealousy, and your shadow self.  In Sagittarius, you might have challenges related to legal matters, education, test-taking, and dealing with travel, overseas or foreign issues.    Click here for more...

Gemini : As your astrology horoscope month begins, the Moon is growing fuller to a Full Moon Eclipse in larger than life, optimistic, or overboard Sagittarius.  The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius at 15° influences your 7th house of relationships, marriage, partnerships, and getting along with others.  Because Full Moon Eclipses foretell or forewarns of things to come, this may put a monkey wrench in your relationships as the Sun and retrograde Venus hook up in the heavens in your Sun sign, making you super independent. Click here for more...

Cancer : As your astrology horoscope month begins Cancer and Cancer Rising, the Moon is growing fuller to a Full Moon Eclipse in larger than life, optimistic, or overboard Sagittarius.   The Full Moon Eclipse occurs in your 6th house of work, health matters, day to day activities, and your daily routine.  This eclipse can stress you if you’ve been escaping real life and real day to day obligations.  It’s time to focus on your daily grind and what pays the bills.  There is no need to ingratiate yourself to anyone. Click here for more...

Leo : As your astrology horoscope month begins, the Moon is growing fuller to a Full Moon Eclipse in larger than life, optimistic, or overboard Sagittarius.  The Full Moon Eclipse influences your 5th house of love, romance, children, gambles, passions, investments, risk-taking, fun, gambles, sports, hobbies, and lucky breaks.  You may also be super creative now and interested in entertainment: music or art.  For some, it may foretell of a romance ending.  Click here for more...

Virgo : As your astrology horoscope month begins Virgo and Virgo Rising, the Moon is growing fuller to a Full Moon Eclipse in larger than life, optimistic, or overboard Sagittarius in your 4th house.  It’s all about beginnings endings, letting go, who and what you are attached to, and what you have to let go of, or release.  The Full Moon Eclipse might foretell of a move or change in your family.  All Full Moons are a culmination, the finale, the height of the energy from the New Moon that occurred two weeks prior. Click here for more...

Libra : As your astrology horoscope month begins, the Moon is growing fuller to a Full Moon Eclipse in larger than life, optimistic, or overboard Sagittarius.  All Full Moons are a culmination, the finale, the height of the energy from the New Moon that occurred two weeks prior.   The Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius foretells and portends endings and completions in your 3rd house.  The job you start now may go until March 2021. Click here for more...

Scorpio : As your astrology horoscope month begins Scorpio and Scorpio Rising, the Moon is growing fuller to a Full Moon Eclipse in larger than life, optimistic, or overboard Sagittarius your Sun sign.  a Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius your foretells or portends to endings in your 2nd house of money, possessions, food, and getting what you want from life.  It’s all about pleasure in the 2nd house activities that give us pleasure at the moment and what makes you feel connected.. Click here for more...

Sagittarius : As your astrology horoscope month begins Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising, the Moon is growing fuller to a Full Moon Eclipse in larger than life, optimistic, or overboard Sagittarius your Sun sign.  All Full Moons are a culmination, ending, the finale, the height of the energy from the New Moon that occurred two weeks prior.  The way you approach things is undergoing dramatic changes.  The Full Moon Eclipse is a rare and vital light on you where you begin to put yourself first, or maybe you are put in a position where your goals and what you want has to come first. Click here for more...

Capricorn : As your astrology horoscope month begins Capricorn and Capricorn Rising, the Moon is growing fuller to a Full Moon Eclipse in larger than life, optimistic, or overboard Sagittarius your 12th house.  The 12th house is all about waiting, photography, film, philanthropy,  completions, working behind the scenes, and karma.  It is a place of rejuvenation, healing, therapy, things you do, and places you go to be alone or that are out of the way.  It’s about spas, hotels, and hospitals.  Click here for more...

Aquarius : As your astrology horoscope month begins Aquarius and Aquarius Rising, the Moon is growing fuller to a Full Moon Eclipse in larger than life, optimistic, or overboard Sagittarius.  This eclipse portends or foretells endings in your 11th house of friends, ex-lovers, separations, VIPs, sudden and unexpected changes.  The Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius foretells of unexpected changes and endings.  Your 11th house is a house your Sun sign rules, and an astrological house that is ruled by the unpredictable planet Uranus in your 4th house of beginnings, endings, letting go, emotions, neediness, comforts, and what and who is familiar.  Click here for more...

Pisces : As your astrology horoscope month begins Pisces and Pisces Rising, the Moon is growing fuller to a Full Moon Eclipse in larger than life, optimistic, or overboard Sagittarius.  The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs in Sagittarius at 15° in your 10th house of success, failure, heavy responsibilities, authority figures, career, professional life, ambitions, and business prosperity.  The Full Moon Eclipse suggests an ending or change in your career, professional life, or business.  Click here for more...


2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale

2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale

2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale

2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale

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