Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is dark in active and aggressive Aries.  The ruler of the sign of Aries where darkness resides is the planet Mars who's in quirky Aquarius.  The energy is strange.  It's the bad boys, pack mentality, boys behaving badly and it's tricky.  But Venus in Gemini doesn't care and will move on to other boys.  The Moon in Aries favors #Aries to try new things and buck the status quo
#Taurus fights those ups and downs that come from being quarantined too long
#Gemini you switch gears quickly and aren't about to get stuck or hung up on anything or anyone
#Cancer your friends, likes and dislikes are changing rapidly, your interest in spiritual things borders on the dangerous Oh My!  #AvoidTheDeepEnd
#Leo you're not about to let anyone take reigns or outshine you. It's a slippery slope with other power brokers
#Virgo you want attention and you want others to figure out what's going on with you, well that's like a baby isn't it?
#Libra your indecision is showing today
#Scorpio you're good at avoid out and out arguments but you'll get your point across
#Sagittarius so many people so little time! What? You got time on your hands!
#Capricorn you turn on and you turn off easily ever ready to just move on to the next thing that interests you
#Aquarius what will you do with all those thoughts that are bubbling up?  Don't let them turn into anger!
#Pisces you can work a deal like nobody's business so it pays to be outgoing, make friends and talk to people

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