Monday, April 20, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is winding down in the hurry up sign of Aries!  The Moon in Aries favors #Aries to be a winner today
#Taurus today is for finalizing plans, rest and preparing for your week ahead
#Gemini the planet Venus is at 13 degrees which indicates love, and an ending of a karmic cycle or beginning of karmic cycle which is it?
#Cancer Jupiter is working so hard for you, trying so hard to break down walls and barriers for you to get ahead which you will today
#Leo you want to plan ahead, look ahead but something gets in the way, you might be a little afraid of making future decisions
#Virgo oh my there's some angst to deal with, make sure you're on the same page with everyone and see things as they are, not as you think they are
#Libra if you want to connect to others today you'll have to make the 1st move
#Scorpio you find the words like a great sage or you begin to take step for a new chapter in your life
#Sagittarius focusing too much on a significant other isn't the best way to go, find your talents, hobbies and your own personal joy
#Capricorn you're so close to closing a chapter and releasing something that's been bothering you for long time Do it!
#Aquarius there's this wonderful boomerang effect moving in your life now. you might see things and people coming back to you
#Pisces a cycle is completing your angst is being released and I can't help to think that you may start believing in miracles
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