Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Venus, Lilith Eros, Juno and the Lunar South Node in Libra!

Venus in Libra and Lillith connect to the Lunar South Node (the Dragon's tail) and Eros. Venus in Libra is the wife or the woman a man marries, and Lillith is an independent woman, maybe the first wife or woman who was there first. There can be cheating, scandals, and deception. Or you just lose interest in someone! Maybe someone is a turn-off.

In some cases, danger. In mundane astrology, today's aspects are another infringement on women's rights. This aspect exposes the infidelities of someone famous. 

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo, and a new routine, work schedule, school schedule or workout schedule could be in your future. 

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Virgo, it's your day and your Solar Return! The Sun shines on you and brings to light certain things. Make the best of things. 

Libra, indecision about a relationship has you playing fast and loose and leading someone on when you're not really sure. 

Scorpio, you're learning the lesson about not getting ahead of yourself in love, as sometimes things don't work out as planned

Sagittarius, if you talk too fast or say things in a certain way, someone takes offense, and it starts a fight.

Capricorn, you are ready to be on your own, not having to take someone else into account when you plan things.

Aquarius, a new source of money and wealth, is great and gives you freedom and independence. 

Pisces, you can be unsure of yourself and your feelings. Avoid anyone who puts pressure on you, especially if you don't know that person well. 

Aries, don't say anything you might regret in a few days; make people feel comfortable with you, not uncomfortable.

Taurus, you start to see in real-time what conversation goes over well and what conversation to avoid. 

Gemini, you may be on the verge of getting lots of recognition, and it feels strange to get so much attention from strangers.

Cancer, get ready, finish projects, push through, and don't give up. You're on the verge of something big.

Leo, you can't influence others or talk them into things as easily as you used too. So why try? 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Cancer

 Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Cancer; it's all about peace of mind, clearing your mind so you can focus on what's important

Cancer, it's your day; you can find money and resources you forgot about, missed, or lost

Leo, you have to change your thinking and strategy once again and react to what you're told or the gossip you hear

Virgo, Happy Solar Return. While a romance still bothers you, new love interests  find you absolutely cute and fascinating

Libra, wear your best outfit and Wow everyone with your good looks and charm. This will get you out of a slump

Scorpio, it's exhausting to fall for someone and then someone else; fun but tiring. Instead, make plans for your future. 

Sagittarius, occasionally, you need a break from someone to do your own thing. Be free to fall in love with whomever you choose

Capricorn, the competition in your industry or job is fierce. This encourages you to work harder, even with the wind against you

Aquarius, you're going to do whatever you want and feel like you want to have fun. Avoid clingy types who bring you down. 

Pisces, with a little luck from Jupiter, who used to rule your Sun sign, you move, move forward, and again through employment.

Aries, you go back and forth with yourself about moving on and leaving the past behind you. Don't make big decisions yet.

Taurus Finally, Mercury has the key to open doors for you, even a front door. You gain from industry changes, and doors swing open. 

Gemini, It's a great time to deal with skin issues and redness and transform your body back to its younger days! 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at https://www.terrynazon.com or click on the link in my Bio.

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!
