Showing posts with label vesta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vesta. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Uranus and Vesta

According to Astrology the planet Uranus is the ruler of sudden changes, surprises and unexpected fallout! In the end Uranus frees you from the direction you were headed in.  In Taurus it's about money, wealth and self-esteem.  Not just money, wealth and self-esteem but what's yours and belongs to you.  For instance your body belongs to you. 
Your money, your wealth and how you feel about yourself also belong to you.  Who you actually are belongs to you.  Too many times people try to tell us who we are.  The sign of Taurus represents our moral values, how you value yourself and how we allow people to treat us.  Along with the planet Uranus  is the asteroid Vesta.  In history, Vesta tended to the sacred flame.  Now it's more important than ever that you treat or see yourself as the scared keeper of flame in the temple, your body.  It's important that you don't allow anyone to treat you, your possessions, money or your body indifferently.  This is the symbol of Vesta to look for in your free Natal Birth Chart

People vote with their dollar and you too have to vote with your dollar.  You can't pay people who give you shoddy goods or services.