Showing posts with label NewMoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NewMoon. Show all posts

Friday, September 7, 2018

Happy Birthday Virgo If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday Virgo if you're born today or you are a 14* Virgo Rising or Moon Sign chances are the tides are turning and the winds of change are coming.  Those around you of course think you're getting too big for your britches and would like you to "know you're place".  Others simply look at you and bundle all their baggage and throw it on you.  You are left wondering who really is taking the time o get to know who you really are. There's no mistaking it you could get caught up in all this emotional projection if you want to but why do it. This is your year to purge, expunge and clean out those emotional closets and be the real you!  Eventually everyone will respect you more if you don't let them dump on you or treat you like a carpet and walk all over you. As Yogi Bhajan said "Don't be so sweet they eat you up, or so bitter they spit you out" In love a surprise awaits you!

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