Today's Planets and You! Today the Moon is in fiery Aries and pressure is the name of the Game! It's #Aries day to get their way and lead the way! While #Taurus needs more sleep and is zombie-ish #Gemini won't take kindly to be laughed by his or her friends #Cancer is the boss today so follow his or her rules #Leo has no comment and moves on or just leaves #Virgo has something to say but should he or she? #Libra wants to fall in love desperately #Scorpio reaches out to others but others don't think you've been fair #Sagittarius it's easy to let others ruin your vibe today but why? #Capricorn it's time to push the wheel forward so take a deep breath and Let's do this #Aquarius you know better than to write it, text it or email it, so sshhh #Pisces gets an opportunity to earn more Need more? Go to
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