Showing posts with label Famous Astrologer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Famous Astrologer. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon in Cancer today favors the water born Sun signs #Cancer, #Scorpio and #Pisces. But it's Cancer who shines and gets their way today feeling father time the most, #Leo don't put your foot in your mouth today, #Virgo keeps their dreams and fantasies alive but today that's hard to do, #Libra someone ruins your happy vibe, #Scorpio gets news about a past romance, friend or ex, #Sagittarius says :No" and wants to move on, #Capricorn while you want to show your fist to someone you don't, #Aquarius you're afraid to bring something up, but you do anyways, #Pisces has to be in two places at one time, #Aries it's time to get back to working hard again, #Taurus something makes you happy today, #Gemini snaps back at everyone, then goes back to watching TV.

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Monday, August 27, 2018

Happy Birthday Virgo If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday Virgo if you're born today or you are a 4° Virgo Rising or Moon Sign things may not always work out as you expect them to.  They could work out better than you ever imagined in fact.  It's those twists and turns and fated experiences that make this a stellar and memorable year.   that's of course if you avoid the tempting pitfalls and temptations that come your way through someone very close to you.  It's not the year to skirt the law.  Going along with the scams and crimes that your significant other, best friend or partner in crime suggests could rob you of your peace of mind.  Those of you who keep your hands clean can enjoy a year of love.  Yes, that could mean that a new love steals your heart and makes you a better person.  So, that's the message of the year.  Who makes you a better person and who leads you astray? 
Recommended Report: The Birthday Report

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ and Sexstrology® Lover's Reports Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks#marriage# #DailyHoroscopes #SolarEclipse, #DailyPlanets, #DailyHoroscopes, #bestweeklyhorscopes, #bestdailyhoroscopes, #VirgoBirthday

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Happy Birthday Virgo If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday Virgo if you're born today or you are a 2°f Rising or Moon sign your in for a lucky year.  Of course as things tend to flow you could also get lazy!  Heaven forbid. You find happiness in the simple pleasures, like a new love or your children.  You lose yourself in a hobby or find you have a unique talent. Music, poetry, lyrics and art inspire you.  But more importantly it could be the love and undying support you get from a mate, partner, best friend or significant other that makes this year great.  Someone recognizes your beauty, talent and greatness and that feels good.  You feel you've hit the lottery too when you find a soulmate or new love who checks all your bullet points for what you're looking for in a relationship.  So when all this good fortune falls in your lap, don't change stay the same.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Sun in Leo is poised at the fated degree which says you left something undone, finish it! Oh No, Mars is also at a fated degree so there's really something that can't be ignored in your life, #RealityCheck.  The Moon in Capricorn today favors #Capricorn and the Earth signs #Taurus and #Virgo and threatens falls from grace or off the ladder of success for #Aries, #Libra, #Leo, or #Gemini. It's your day #Capricorn, #Aquarius stay by yourself avoiding fights with a mate, partner, significant other, #Pisces has the ear of higher ups and might tell on you, #Aries is thinking about their next move, #Taurus follow the rules but don't be a whistle blower on those who don't, #Gemini what will you do with all your money?  #Cancer forget about all your bad past relationships, things are changing, #Leo you can't help yourself you just want to get back or fire back at someone, #Virgo Wait, just wait until the Suns enters your Sun sign please, #Libra the song by Diana Ross "Do you know where you're going to to", sums it up! Because you probably don't know, #Scorpio ever the sleuth and cunning one today, you see one step ahead or would like to, you want to gain from others misery or problems so today you lie in wait to solve other's troubles, or just listen to them, and Sagittarius you feel your inner strength and maybe you feel like the keeper of some great spiritual flame since Vesta is in your Sun sign. 

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Saturday, July 14, 2018

Happy Birthday Cancer If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Cancer if you're born today or you are a 22* Cancer Rising you could be adding to your income or buying something very expensive like a piece of property, a home or lake front retreat.  Still bothered by others in a strange sort of way avoid pushing anyone over the edge and when you sense that some is fragile or easily disturbed run do not walk the other way.  Some see you as an easy target or soft touch so it's going to be up to you to steer clear of suspect types or users.  Don't fall prey to get rich quick schemes or gambles.  Your best luck and good fortune comes when you depend on yourself and do things for yourself.  Work on self-confidence and relying on your own good common sense.  New loyal romantic prospects can enter your life as long as you take your time to get to know them.  This is not the time for fast rolling love affairs or quickies and hookups.  Not at all!

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes #SolarEclipse #Eclipse

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You!The Moon is in open and expressive "me First" Leo! This favors #Leo to try to be first and stand out in the crowd, #Virgo laments poolside over the state of their romantic life, #Libra is super competitive with a past romantic interest or friend, #Scorpio has to be prepared fro change, #Sagittarius wants to go out and play today, #Capricorn knows people are watching him or her, #Aquarius is waiting for what happens in their personal life, #Pisces all work and no play isn't any fun, #Aries needs to occasionally take a break and time for themselves, #Taurus needs to find time for domestic affairs, #Gemini everything you say and write is scrutinized for accuracy, #Cancer does their own things today!

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes #SolarEclipse #Eclipse

Friday, July 13, 2018

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes Happy Friday the 13th

Today's Planets and You! Happy Friday the 13th! It's a dynamic New Moon cycle after the New Moon Solar Eclipse last night! The Moon changes signs from Cancer into Leo and this favors both #Cancer and #Leo natives to get their way and to show off.  The Moon in Leo suggests #Virgo take a break and enjoy a secret romantic interlude, #Libra is fascinated with new friends, #Scorpio decides what to do, and then barks out orders, #Sagittarius gets over a hurdle and wins, Capricorn goes over someone's head, #Aquarius could meet someone new and someone new is what is needed, #Pisces needs to pay their bills and stop wasting money, #Aries just shake off a disappointment, #Taurus needs to embrace the simple life, #Gemini tries to make amends and laugh things off.

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes #SolarEclipse #Eclipse

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Happy Birthday Cancer If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday Cancer if you're born today or you are a 19* Cancer Rising your year ahead holds plenty of surprises and many times you will wish you had listened to your inner voice or gone with your gut feeling.  Wednesday is ruled by Mercury who is genius, trickster, collaborator, giver of great ideas and those Ah-ha moments.  Catch yourself when you're too focused on others a mate, significant other or your competition!  Stay focused on yourself and doing things for yourself and by yourself.  You have the ability to turn a big financial wheel and make lots of money for yourself or you could give it all away.  It's your choice.  On your Birthday the Moon changes signs and is dark.  That means there is no lunar light to guide you only your spirit.  Time and time again your spirit and intuition will guide your correctly.  This year don't trust in others trust in yourself!  In love the relationship from hell threatens.  Fly solo!

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes BirthdayHoroscope

Sunday, July 8, 2018

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Saturday, July 7, 2018

Today's Planets And You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets And You! The Moon is in Taurus which rules good food, luxuries, comfort and the feeling of grass under your feet.  It's important not to arouse anyone's anger during Taurus Moons so be nice today!  The Moon is in Taurus favors the earth born #Sunsigns Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, However it's #Taurus who gets their way today and shines, #Gemini needs to avoid controversy today, #Cancer makes new friends, #Leo needs a break from someone close to him or her, #Virgo cares but really doesn't, #Libra is hurt by old relationships so wants to make new friends, #Scorpio needs things to be settled one way or the other, #Sagittarius has more know how than anyone else today, #Capricorn makes themselves happy and this is attractive to others, #Aquarius makes a big decision about moving on, #Pisces wants something new in their lives but has to get rid of someone old, and #Aries wants to be an original not just like everyone else. 

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes #Onlinedating #Eclipse

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Happy Birthday Cancer If You Are Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday Cancer if you're born today or you are an 8* Cancer Rising fasten your seat belts it's going to be a hectic year of not just financial changes but one in which you find yourself amongst the top rated in your field. Sure you can crawl into your shell and hide if you want to, but why? This is your year to gain from the last 7 years of hard work that you did.  A much wiser you has emerged from the storm and you have one eye open on everyone except your kids who can do no wrong. Someone close may have been corrupted like a file on your computer by outside forces and there's not much you can do about it.  Many of you who are in relationships could opt out as the stars may want you to feel what it's like to fall in love again and be looked at with loving eyes. Dreams come true and remember you're number one now! Be happy!

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in the often rebellious sign of Aquarius!  The Moon in Aquarius favors the air born signs of Gemini, Libra and of course #Aquarius who has things their way today!  #Pisces needs to sit this one out or get hurt, #Aries don't spend all your gains, #Taurus don't engage a bad person on text or the phone, #Gemini people are attracted to you like a moth to the flame, and we know how that ends up, #Cancer your would love the truth to come out and someone to be held accountable, #Leo is no longer feeling good vibes towards someone, #Virgo can't help but express that they can't get no satisfaction, #Libra is torn between two lovers and it ain't pretty, #Scorpio decides to ignore someone they used to be close to, #Sagittarius talked someone into something and no has to back track, #Capricorn it feels good to be back in the fold or thick of things but don't sell your soul.  

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Happy Birthday Cancer If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday Cancer if you're born today or yo are a 6* Cancer Rising there's a very fated feel to your year ahead that may have you discovering bits and pieces of your past. For example you might find a photo that's meaningful, you might be redeemed in some way or you could just uncover folders lost in cyberspace from your cloud or computer.  For once you can win against more powerful types or just meanies.  It's a good year to take your chances and play Lottery (one ticket will do) Uranus doesn't reward anyone trying to outwit him, he likes to surprise people. So expect a surprise every day of your upcoming year and approach everyday with positive expectations! There's lost of spontaneous blessings coming your way.  Even your enemies and detractors will be surprised. 

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in #Scorpio The sign of Scorpio is the most mysterious sign and certainly today holds some mystery! You might feel like delving into some mysteries, you might try to fathom what's going on with another, and as the silence and quietness gets to you, it's almost deafening your interest is piqued.  Read my Daily Horoscopes for more.  However, you might be better off doing something productive with your intense attention span and leave the sleuthing to the experts. Today the Moon in Scorpio favors #Scorpio and Scorpio Rising to get their way, #Sagittarius wants to avoid others, #Capricorn goes deep, #Aquarius needs to be told "It's just life", #Pisces regrets they've got a few, #Aries has slowed down and walks in the park seem fun, #Taurus needs to put aside their youthful ways and be all grown up now, #Gemini feels like a victim with any intrusion on their time, #Dontbotherme, #Cancer  sees the need for new and better friends, #Leo wants to know Who's paying for this? #Virgo goes deep, but too deep to get any clear answers, and #Libra needs a safe place to land. 

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes