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Showing posts with label #astrologer #dailyhoroscope #astro #zodifacts #Sexstrology #horoscopes #astrology #zodiac #BloodMoon #FullMoon #Reiki #Terrynazon #Eclipse. Show all posts

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Capricorn

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Capricorn and favors #Capricorn to be in charge and lay down the law for everyone to adhere follow

Read your extended Daily Horoscopes on my website 

#Aquarius begins to feel the stress as things feel more and more serious as the days pass

#Pisces the pressure to make something of your life is starting to get to you you're on the verge of doing something about it 

#Aries lots of energy is needed to be a huge success and you have it just stay focused 

#Taurus you grab the dragons tail and trip the light fantastic with others just don't hang on too tight

#Gemini  it's time for you to navigate relationships but honestly, it's no easy feat, stay consistent

#Cancer manage health and your physical appearance be that person who allows others in, not a hermit crab

#Leo avoid anything that could become a scandal and don't take undue chances or risks or it will

#Virgo yes, it does seem you're at the mercy of everyone else in your life Who should you put first?

#Libra guard your public persona and reputation Mars will soon be on a rampage! 

#Scorpio you can use your powerful mind to squeeze the most out of others or you could be nice oh my!  

#Sagittarius you can be very sensitive and want revenge instead laugh and turn things around 

You need more so go to 


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#Horoscopes, #DailyHoroscopes #Terrynazon #Zodiac #spirituality #spiritual #love #Marriage #Compatibility #Lovesigns #tarot #astrology #zodiac 

Friday, May 28, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Capricorn

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Capricorn and favors #Capricorn to be tough as nails and calculating You get your way today  

Read your extended Daily Horoscopes on my website 

#Aquarius don't be too pushy or try to break through to people who aren't listening 

#Pisces you can make big changes in your life especially after figuring out what makes you tick

#Aries There's nothing that can stop you from achieving your goals today so set them high 

#Taurus Work on your timing and communications things come up unexpectedly and that always throws you off 

#Gemini Happy SolarReturn re-set, re-organize, and re-evaluate what you'd like to change 

#Cancer relationships and others can be aggravating but fruitful you should know how to manage others by now

#Leo you are the zodiac's rabble-rouser and you find something wrong with well everything and say so 

#Virgo people want you to take charge,  then they don't want you to take charge criticizing you for taking charge  

#Libra you're a social butterfly so don't keep yourself in the house too much get out, find the Sun 

#Scorpio you might have to pass a test or take a test, learn everything there is to learn before taking a test 

#Sagittarius it's time to be with others who love your company they'll see you out more and more 

You need more so go to 


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#Horoscopes, #DailyHoroscopes #Terrynazon #Zodiac #spirituality #spiritual #love #Marriage #Compatibility #Lovesigns #tarot #astrology #zodiac