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Showing posts with label #astrologer #dailyhoroscope #astro #zodiac #Sexstrology #horoscopes #astrology #zodiac #SolarEclipse #NewMoon #Reiki #Terrynazon #solarReturn. Show all posts

Monday, June 28, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes The Moon is in Pisces

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes The Moon is in Pisces and favors #Pisces to feel the Moon and Jupiter's fortunate influence and get their way! 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope 

#Aries there's no reason to stress yourself today so go ahead put your feet up on your desk and wait 

#Taurus money and career success are tied together for now use your genius to untie those knots "Think"

#Gemini success comes in small increments while you go over relationships and partnerships with a fine-tooth comb  

#Cancer Happy Solar Return do your own thing and start your year making yourself  happy

#Leo you have great ideas and high energy others don't and they can drain you

#Virgo stop and reconsider your future as new things come up and new responsibilities come up too  

#Libra as you look for that one true love or wait for him or her, consider new options don't waste your time  

#Scorpio follow your hunches and connect to new people, lovers and roll the dice 

#Sagittarius it feels like you're more awake and can see possibilities all around you, People agree 

#Capricorn you're nobody's fool and you have an iron fist in lace glove so you get your way

#Aquarius open your hands to gather all that's coming to you, you wish you could share your good fortune with someone special

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