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Saturday, November 20, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon in Gemini

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope!  It's the Moon in Gemini The Moon in Gemini favors #Gemini who's about to be freed from a difficult relationship or partnership

#Cancer it's not the best time to confide in well, anyone, wait and if you need to talk to someone talk to the mirror

Check out your Free Natal Birth Chart and Birth Chart Report

#Leo it's time to play Good cop-Bad cop with others, you and your mate, partner up when it's necessary

#Virgo your discerning eye catches all, you can be too hard on others if you're prone to being the head disciplinarian

#Libra time for socializing and having a wonderful time, fill your social calendar up its time! 

#Scorpio Happy Solar Return it's your 2nd wind that says it's time for romance just not a commitment

#Sagittarius changing to the ever-changing relationship tides tests your skillset at getting along with others 

#Capricorn fix it, mend it, clean it and then start all over again. You're in your element

#Aquarius it's time to find other things to do especially if you're going away or your current amore is going away or busy

#Pisces yeah, avoid making any faux pas, misreading the room. You have to be very political now

 #Aries it's time to start patting yourself on the bac for having come through some trying time, there's more to come 

#Taurus isn't he money wheel and make whatever you want to appear before you is it magic, No, its your willpower

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 


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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon in Taurus today

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon in Taurus today! The Moon in Taurus favors #Taurus to take their time with quiet determination and get things done! 

Your extended Daily Horoscope 

#Gemini work behind the scenes in privacy satisfy your curiosity about all things spiritual, religious and foreign 

#Cancer new relationships are on the cusp of your life and one new job leads to another bigger job

#Leo you might not feel like socializing or big get-togethers, No today you're all business 

#Virgo a new romance makes your dating choices more complicated But that's part of the fun

#Libra think carefully before making a big financial decision or making a big purchase 

#Scorpio Happy Solar Return! You inch towards independence carefully choosing your words and making solid points People listen

#Sagittarius somethings are better when you do them yourself, avoid being so picky that you hurt others feelings

#Capricorn your luck is about to change so enhance your good fortune any way you can think of

#Aquarius just in time a financial windfall or two comes your way and you are kept very busy

#Pisces treat everyone like they are special you never know who will be your next bestie or introduce you to a whole new social circle

 #Aries the Moon brings money or money you forgot about! Be financially independent

Your extended Daily Horoscope 


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Monday, November 15, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Aries

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Aries and there's excitement and that could be good or bad! Avoid being angry, anxious, or worried.  The Moon favors #Aries to get feisty and a little frustrated when made to wait

#Taurus you might feel judged but just put your best foot forward and people will love you

#Gemini you are a patient instructor today because you know it's in your best interests to be patient inside you're not! 

#Cancer you are the one people hold accountable and put under a microscope today You pass with flying colors

#Leo you need all your strength and good health for the next big push or events coming up

#Virgo today you decide to make another wait as you decide what your next move will be

#Libra you could be wondering what someone is up to and what it's going to be like to see them again

#Scorpio tend to do things that need fixing or hire someone to do the heavy work you could get bruised

#Sagittarius too much of a good thing like good food or cocktails means it's time for a cleanse 

#Capricorn you might be stuck at home, at your desk, or at work, there are not enough hours in a day 

#Aquarius There's plenty you want to say, but find a good way to say things, not an angry way speak with authority 

#Pisces if a money-making opportunity comes your way take it quickly

Need more so go to for the extended Daily Horoscope


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Sunday, November 14, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Aries

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Aries Things get louder, and move faster during the Aries Moon! The moon favors #Aries spontaneity and liveliness today. Aries i where the action is today

#Taurus maybe there's a sense of excitement about the week ahead that has you getting ready and preparing for something big

#Gemini always on the back of your mind is how you've been treated by someone Let it go! 

#Cancer you've done plenty for others and probably learned some mighty lessons, now it's your time

#Leo be loyal and adoring to your favorite person and they will take care of you too

#Virgo how do you explain the big changes you want to make to family and close people? 

#Libra make your own decisions without being influenced by others you know what makes you happiest

#Scorpio there's lots you want to do or buy but your inner calculator is always crunching the numbers 

#Sagittarius you secretly long for a deeply caring relationship but to get along you need things to be friendly and a little superficial 

#Capricorn making your income more regular and predictable might be the motivation you need

#Aquarius you can promise the world to someone but in this day and time no one lives on future promises 

#Pisces making your dreams come true and earning your own money is a great motivator for you and you'll do it

Need more so go to for the extended Daily Horoscope


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Saturday, November 13, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes The Moon is in Pisces

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes The Moon is in Pisces Pallas Athene has you being a little wiser, less gullible, and not so sweet you'll get eaten up!  The Pisces Moon favors #Pisces to look very carefully at all their options and money-making opportunities which may be seasonal

Read your extended Daily Horoscope 

#Aries you re-evaluate your direction is it making or costing you money? You'll move to fix this 

#Taurus the planet of maturity Saturn wants to know how mature and realistic you are being. You can't ignore this anymore 

#Gemini Unlike any other Sun sign, people have to band together against you and still they can't knock you off the pedestal 

#Cancer at times you wonder if you've gone too far, and at other times you feel you haven't gone far enough. 

#Leo you'll do what you have to do to save money But right now you need to focus on your health and wellness Don't scrimp there! 

#Virgo perhaps you long for distant shores, your own place far away from overreaching or meddling family members

#Libra from time to time you feel unappreciated and paid less. Say something if someone has paid you less than what you should get 

#Scorpio it's time for romance so find someone to love or let go of a romance that's less than par You can do better

#Sagittarius it's time to finish things before Sagittarius season gets underway, not start more trouble

#Capricorn it's time to cut off some people who have not treated you so kindly and in true Capricorn fashion just get on with things

#Aquarius it's all about money and what it can do for you or the sway the things it can buy it holds over others 

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Monday, November 8, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment)

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment) things get real and responsibilities heavier.  The Capricorn Moon  favors #Capricorn to take charge and don't be evasive or afraid to make bold moves

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 

 #Aquarius don't miss the opportunity to start out strong on Monday! Finish projects and clean up stuff!  

#Pisces in the recent past you might have wondered about your future, Not today a renewed sense of hope is here 

#Aries nothing can stop you from doing what you have to do. Impressing others is on your list today

#Taurus the pressure is on to handle life, responsibilities and to be professional if not now when these feelings will not go away 

#Gemini you know you have to move on, it's been hard, today you're one step closer to moving on or getting paid

#Cancer it's a serious day and no one likes it when you lay down the law but you have to

#Leo you're tired of being criticized when you're only doing your best, one day soon you'll make a bold move

#Virgo it's reality check time, not fun and games time, you can't help but be confronted with serious decisions today

#Libra while your home is probably elegant and tasteful you might decide you need a new design feature, here we go again

#Scorpio Happy Solar Return, hold on to your savings and don't think you can outsmart the market or occasion 

#Sagittarius today you take stock of your financial situation and makeup with women, sisters, and daughters

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 


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Saturday, October 23, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon in Gemini

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope!  It's the Moon in Gemini and The Sun is in Scorpio what a combination for Halloween Trick or treat! The Moon in Gemini favors #Gemini who should keep themselves very busy and avoid conflicts

#Cancer your work routine could become more regular and you'll have more time for resting or a vacation

Check out your Free Natal Birth Chart and Birth Chart Report

#Leo Connect with people and make new friends you can relate to and who relate completely to you 

#Virgo a change of plans to accommodate a significant other or lover is in store for you

#Libra if you do go fallout and spend like a mogul save your receipts for returns or exchanges

#Scorpio Happy Solar Return time to move on, release, and let go of what's holding you back 

#Sagittarius you can see the great benefits of working with others no you have to convince yourself of that

#Capricorn VIPs and important types take notice of you and your talents but your talents come at a price

#Aquarius don't hesitate with a new romance and don't hedge your bets by keeping an old love around

#Pisces lucky you makes money with new ventures, avoid anyone who makes you insecure 

 #Aries facts get all messed up and accusations of lying are thrown about, be on your best behavior

#Taurus you should try to get along with others and avoid conflicts or being rude to others who hold the purse strings think The customer is always right

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 


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